A budget will be set up in relation to your financial status when you enter into a public debt settlement agreement.

Contact the enforcement officer and inform your creditors if there are changes in your financial status. The enforcement officer will assess whether you need to change your settlement scheme, and can be of assistance if changes are needed.

What happens if you are in default on the agreement and do not pay as prescribed? If this happens, you can lose the debt settlement scheme. You may also lose your debt settlement scheme if you withhold important information.

When your expenses rise

Creditors are normally entitled to know about major changes in your budget. Examples of this are:

  • changes in housing rent
  • you have children, with expenses for kindergarten, after-school recreation programme and activity school
  • major expenses for dentistry
  • you need a car
  • major medical expenses

Whatever the case may be, you should contact the enforcement officer if your expenses increase. This will help you decide whether you need to inform your creditors or change the debt settlement agreement. You will also get help drawing up a new budget.

When your earnings increase

Contact the enforcement officer if your earnings increase. This will help you decide whether you need to inform your creditors or change the debt settlement agreement. You will also get help drawing up a new budget.

Are you receiving claims that are not part of the agreement?

Are you getting claims that were outstanding before you opened for debt negotiations but are not included in the current settlement agreement? Contact the enforcement officer. The claims may be included in the agreement under what we call "omitted claims".