Nye regler fra 1. januar 2024:


  • Fra 1. januar 2024 skal alle ukrainske borgere som vil søke om beskyttelse i Norge, og som trenger et sted å bo, registrere søknaden sin ved Nasjonalt ankomstsenter

Nasjonalt ankomstsenter ligger i Råde kommune, omtrent 116 kilometer sør for Oslo flyplass på Gardermoen. Vis i kart 

Adresse: Nasjonalt ankomstsenter
                 Mosseveien 58,
                 1640 Råde

  • Du må selv organisere og betale for reisen helt frem til Nasjonalt ankomstsenter.
  • På Nasjonalt ankomstsenter tar du kontakt med politiet, som hjelper deg videre.
  • Fra torsdag 15. februar 2024 er det ikke lenger mulig for nye søkere å ha med seg kjæledyr når man bor på Nasjonalt ankomstsenter eller andre asylmottak. Les mer om dette på hjemmesiden til Utlendingsdirektoratet.

Nedenfor finner du nærmere informasjon om detaljer og unntak.

Viktig informasjon om registrering ved Nasjonalt ankomstsenter


For søkere som trenger et sted å bo:

Nærmeste grenseovergang er E6 i Svinesund, mens nærmeste flyplass er Oslo lufthavn på Gardermoen.

  • Du må selv organisere og betale for reisen helt frem til Nasjonalt ankomstsenter.
  • Hvis du allerede befinner deg et annet sted i Norge og er i en spesielt sårbar situasjon, kan lokalt politi i særskilte tilfeller gjøre unntak og bistå med transport til Nasjonalt ankomstsenter. Barn som reiser alene (enslige mindreårige), vil alltid få slik bistand til transport.

For søkere som bor privat og ikke trenger plass i mottak: 

  1. Kirkenes registreringssted (Finnmark politidistrikt)
  2. Trondheim registreringssted (Trøndelag politidistrikt)
  3. Bergen registreringssted (Vest politidistrikt)
  4. Jæren registreringssted (Sør-Vest politidistrikt)
  5. Torp registreringssted (Sør-Øst politidistrikt)
  6. Gardermoen registreringssenter (den samme kontaktinformasjonen som til Nasjonalt ankomstsenter i Råde kommune).
  • Velger du å registrere deg som privatboende, vil du ikke få tilbud om innkvartering i asylmottak etter registrering eller mens du venter på å bli registrert.
  • Du må selv bekoste reisen både til og fra hjemstedet, inkludert eventuell overnatting underveis.

Vi jobber med å oppdatere sidene våre fortløpende.



Kontaktinformasjon for registrering

Submit your application at the National Arrivals Centre

  • If you are planning to travel to Norway to apply for collective protection, we recommend that you travel directly to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application. The nearest border crossing point is Svinesund on the E6 motorway, while the nearest airport is Oslo Airport Gardermoen.
  • If you are already in Norway and staying in Agder Police District, you have to travel to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application.
  • If you need transport to the centre, the local police will help you with this. By calling 02800 you will reach the switchboard in the police district where you are staying.
  • Please note: We cannot guarantee that you will be accommodated at an asylum centre in the area where you have been staying, so you must bring all your belongings with you to the arrivals centre.
  • Contact information of the National Arrivals Centre

You should not appear at a police station without an appointment.

If you are not already registered, please contact the police. 

Phone number

45 72 00 64

Opening Hours

The phone is manned:

  • Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 14:00.

Email address


Information you will be asked to give

In your email you should state your phone number. Do not state your name. The police will reply to schedule an appointment for registration.

Submit your application at the National Arrivals Centre

  • If you are planning to travel to Norway to apply for collective protection, we recommend that you travel directly to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application. The nearest border crossing point is Svinesund on the E6 motorway, while the nearest airport is Oslo Airport Gardermoen.
  • If you are already in Norway and staying in Innlandet Police District, you have to travel to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application.
  • If you need transport to the centre, the local police will help you with this. By calling 02800 you will reach the switchboard in the police district where you are staying.
  • Please note: We cannot guarantee that you will be accommodated at an asylum centre in the area where you have been staying, so you must bring all your belongings with you to the arrivals centre.
  • Contact information of the National Arrivals Centre

If you already have obtained private accommodation in eastern Norway and are able to organise your own transport to and from the arrivals centre

  • You can call +47 400 26 190 to make an appointment for registration at Torp and Gardermoen airports, or at the National Arrivals Centre, depending on which is closest to your home.
  • Opening hours for the telephone service for persons in private accommodation is Monday to Friday 09:00–15:00. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: closed.

Submit your application at the National Arrivals Centre

  • If you are planning to travel to Norway to apply for collective protection, we recommend that you travel directly to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application. The nearest border crossing point is Svinesund on the E6 motorway, while the nearest airport is Oslo Airport Gardermoen.
  • If you are already in Norway and staying in Møre og Romsdal Police District, you have to travel to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application.
  • If you need transport to the centre, the local police will help you with this. By calling 02800 you will reach the switchboard in the police district where you are staying.
  • Please note: We cannot guarantee that you will be accommodated at an asylum centre in the area where you have been staying, so you must bring all your belongings with you to the arrivals centre.
  • Contact information of the National Arrivals Centre

Submit your application at the National Arrivals Centre

  • If you are planning to travel to Norway to apply for collective protection, we recommend that you travel directly to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application. The nearest border crossing point is Svinesund on the E6 motorway, while the nearest airport is Oslo Airport Gardermoen.
  • If you are already in Norway and staying in Nordland Police District, you have to travel to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application.
  • If you need transport to the centre, the local police will help you with this. By calling 02800 you will reach the switchboard in the police district where you are staying.
  • Please note: We cannot guarantee that you will be accommodated at an asylum centre in the area where you have been staying, so you must bring all your belongings with you to the arrivals centre.
  • Contact information of the National Arrivals Centre

  • Du som allerede er i Norge og oppholder deg i Oslo politidistrikt, skal reise til Nasjonalt ankomstsenter i Råde kommune for å registrere din søknad dersom du trenger et sted å bo.

Les mer detaljert informasjon om dette øverst på denne siden.

Vær oppmerksom på at det ikke kan garanteres at du får mottaksplass i området hvor du har oppholdt deg tidligere, så alle eiendeler må medbringes til ankomstsenteret.

  • Unntak for deg som har et sted å bo:

Da kan du bestille time for registrering hos politiet på Nasjonalt ankomstsenter i Råde kommune. Du må selv organisere og betale for reisen til og fra hjemstedet. Du skal ikke møte opp hos politiet uten avtale på forhånd.

Husk at når du møter hos politiet på en avtale, må du ta med deg alle dine ID-dokumenter.

Ta kontakt med politiet på telefon for å avtale tid og sted der du kan møte for å registrere søknad om beskyttelse. Oppgi om du ønsker å bli registrert på Nasjonalt ankomstsenter i Råde eller på Gardermoen registreringssenter (GRS).

Telefon: 400 26 190
Åpningstid for telefon: Mandag til fredag kl. 09:00—15:00. Telefonen er stengt lørdag, søndag og alle helligdager.

Newly arrived refugees who want to register must contact the police in advance and set up an appointment for registration. Registration is at Jæren Police Station

Refugees who have been housed in a hotel (Thon Sandnes) do not need to contact the police themselves. The police will contact these people and collect them when it is their turn to be registered.


Jæren Police Station, Arne Garborgs veg 17, NO-4340 Bryne.

Opening hours

  • At 09:00 – 15:00

Telephone numbers

  • To book a registration appointment, +47 45 73 81 40
  • Emergency hotline, immigration department (other enquiries) +47 48 99 66 40

Telephone opening Hours 

  • Monday to Sunday from 08:00 to 22:00

Newly arrived refugees without an address, who arrive outside these opening hours, can report to Thon Partner Hotel Sandnes, Roald Amundsens gate 115, NO-4307 Sandnes.

We update the information on this page frequently, so we recommend that you check it regularly.

Submit your application at the National Arrivals Centre

  • If you are planning to travel to Norway to apply for collective protection, we recommend that you travel directly to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application. The nearest border crossing point is Svinesund on the E6 motorway, while the nearest airport is Oslo Airport Gardermoen.
  • If you are already in Norway and staying in Sør-Øst Police District, you can submit your application at Torp Airport. By calling 02800 you will reach the switchboard in the police district where you are staying. If you are to be accommodated in an asylum centre, you will be taken to the National Arrivals Centre once your application has been registered.
  • If you need transport to the centre, the local police will help you with this. By calling 02800 you will reach the switchboard in the police district where you are staying.
  • Please note: We cannot guarantee that you will be accommodated at an asylum centre in the area where you have been staying, so you must bring all your belongings with you to the arrivals centre.
  • Contact information of the National Arrivals Centre

If you already have obtained private accommodation in eastern Norway and are able to organise your own transport to and from the arrivals centre

  • You can call +47 400 26 190 to make an appointment for registration at Torp and Gardermoen airports, or at the National Arrivals Centre, depending on which is closest to your home.
  • Opening hours for the telephone service for persons in private accommodation is Monday to Friday 09:00–15:00. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: closed.

Submit your application at the National Arrivals Centre

  • If you are planning to travel to Norway to apply for collective protection, we recommend that you travel directly to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application. The nearest border crossing point is Svinesund on the E6 motorway, while the nearest airport is Oslo Airport Gardermoen.
  • If you are already in Norway and staying in Oslo, Øst, Innlandet, Agder, Møre og Romsdal, Nordland or Troms Police District, you have to travel to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application.
  • If you need transport to the centre, the local police will help you with this. By calling 02800 you will reach the switchboard in the police district where you are staying.
  • Please note: We cannot guarantee that you will be accommodated at an asylum centre in the area where you have been staying, so you must bring all your belongings with you to the arrivals centre.
  • Contact information of the National Arrivals Centre

You should not appear at a police station without an appointment.

Please call Trøndelag Police District to book an appointment for registration.

Phone number

73 20 51 41

Opening hours

The phone is manned:

  • Monday: between 08:30 and 21:00
  • Tuesday: between 08:30 and 14:00
  • Wednesday: between 08:30 and 21:00
  • Thursday: between 08:30 and 21:00
  • Friday: between 08:30 and 18:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: between 08:30 and 14:00

Information you will be asked to give

You will be asked to give your name and phone number. The police will then contact you to schedule an appointment for registration.

Please contact the police on the phone to make an appointment to register as an asylum seeker. You will be given a time and place where you and any family members can meet for registration.

Phone number

47 46 91 78

Opening Hours

The phone is manned:

  • Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 14:00.

You can also meet at Scandic Kokstad in Bergen without an appointment to register as an asylum seeker. The hotel's address is Kokstadflaten 2, 5257 Kokstad (Google Maps).Once you have registered as an asylum seeker, the police will summon you for an asylum interview. Police officers are present at the reception centre Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 14:00.

If you do not have a place to stay, you can meet at Scandic Kokstad.

Submit your application at the National Arrivals Centre

  • If you are planning to travel to Norway to apply for collective protection, we recommend that you travel directly to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application. The nearest border crossing point is Svinesund on the E6 motorway, while the nearest airport is Oslo Airport Gardermoen.
  • If you are already in Norway and staying in Øst Police District, you have to travel to the National Arrivals Centre to submit your application.
  • If you need transport to the centre, the local police will help you with this. By calling 02800 you will reach the switchboard in the police district where you are staying.
  • Please note: We cannot guarantee that you will be accommodated at an asylum centre in the area where you have been staying, so you must bring all your belongings with you to the arrivals centre.
  • Contact information of the National Arrivals Centre

If you already have obtained private accommodation in eastern Norway and are able to organise your own transport to and from the arrivals centre

  • You can call +47 400 26 190 to make an appointment for registration at Torp and Gardermoen airports, or at the National Arrivals Centre, depending on which is closest to your home.
  • Opening hours for the telephone service for persons in private accommodation is Monday to Friday 09:00–15:00. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: closed.