Våpenpasset gjør det mulig for deg å reise mellom land i EU/EØS uten å fremvise våpenet i tollen. Du slipper også å bruke skjema for midlertidig inn- og utførsel til Norge.

Når du reiser med våpen og passerer landegrenser skal du i tillegg til våpenpasset alltid ha med deg gyldig legitimasjon og våpenkort.

Om europeisk våpenpass

  • Du må eie våpenet for å registrere det i våpenpasset.
  • Våpenet må også være registrert i våpenregisteret.
  • Våpenpasset er gyldig i fem år, men kan etter søknad forlenges i fem nye år.
  • Våpenpasset er bare gyldig så lenge du har gyldig tillatelse for våpnene som er innført i våpenpasset.

Har du mistet våpenpasset, må du melde det til politiet.

Download an application form

Apply for, renew or report the loss of a firearms pass

  1. You must have a firearms licence to get a firearms pass.
  2. Download and fill out the application form for a European Firearms Pass.
  3. Attach a photo (must meet the requirements for a passport photo). Get one from a professional photographer or use an automated photo booth.
  4. Submit your application to the police district that covers your permanent address (the address recorded in the Norwegian National Registry).

  1. Write a letter saying that you want to renew your firearms pass. The letter must be signed and dated and contain:
    • Your full name
    • Your National ID Number (11 digit)
  2. Send the letter by regular mail to the police district that covers your permanent address (the address recorded in the Norwegian National Registry). Remember to enclose the (unexpired) firearms pass you want to renew.

If your firearms pass has already expired, you must apply for a new one.

  1. Write a letter saying that you have lost your firearms pass. The letter must be signed and dated and contain:
    • The reason why you no longer have your firearms pass
    • Your full name
    • Your National ID Number (11 digit)
  2. Download and fill out the application form for a European Firearms Pass (308 kB).
  3. Attach a new photo (must meet the requirements for a passport photo). Get one from a professional photographer or use an automated photo booth
  4. .Send the letter reporting the loss of your firearms pass, the application for a new one and the new passport photo to the police district that covers your permanent address (the address recorded in the Norwegian National Registry).